Kategori: Talks

CAST 2018 # 2: Recruiting for potential

So, I thought I’d write up a post about the topic of my presentation at CAST 2018: Recruiting for Potential. First of all, this will...

Slides from requirements conference

So, May 16th I attended the 1-day workshop ”Kravhantering på riktigt”, a new Swedish Conference about requirement work and I was fortunate enough to be...

UK Star 2018

Just came back from ukStar 2018 and I thought I’d summarize my experience while still fresh in memory. So, first of all: I only had...

SAST Q1 2018

Very weird (but nice) seeing yourself in print! Apart from technical issues with screen resolution vs. Prezi, the presentation in general felt great. Got lovely...

Swetugg 2018

I had the great pleasure of returning to Swetugg and do another presentation this year. I talked about ten areas where I often find bugs*...